Hilton Head Packing List.


You guys. I am really, really excited. Tomorrow, I’m flying down to Southern Carolina for a long weekend in Hilton Head. I’ve never been before (if you have, pleaaase leave me your suggestions in the comments!) The visitor’s bureau actually invited Jess, Hallie, Caitlin, and I down for a weekend of sightseeing, golf (we’re going to the RBC Heritage golf tournament), and (most likely, given the company) a whole lot of shenanigans. I can not wait. I’m really excited for a fun break with friends, some sunshine, and seeing a place I haven’t yet visited… I’ve heard the best things!

I’ve been shopping up a storm… here’s what’s going in my suitcase! I don’t know what it is about flamingoes but I am packing quite a few. Besides the coverup + sandals pictured, but I also bought the bikini (top + bottom.) Total overkill, totally okay with that. Once it gets warm out, my style sort of becomes a mix between that of a five year old and a hippie. Beat up cut-offs and bohemian tops… paired with jelly shoes and animal shaped purses. Somehow, it all works (at least in my eyes it does, haha!)

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve // thirteen // fourteen // fifteen

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  1. kristy:

    Hilton Head is awesome! I’ve vacationed there for many years.. and to go during the golf tournament… that is just the icing on the cake. The lighthouse at Sea Pines is darling as well as the Salty Dog shop at the South Beach Marina. LOADS of yummy places to eat too. Enjoy!! Michael Anthony’s Italian is my favorite… homemade pasta and the best wine.

    4.15.15 Reply
  2. Annie Reeves:

    I mean this is a FUN group – cannot wait to follow along! Have the best time!!

    4.15.15 Reply
  3. Luxxmint:

    Adore both of those white dresses! Have a great time – I love seeing your travel diaries.


    4.15.15 Reply
  4. LoveCompassionateLee:

    Items 2 & 9 are my favorites.

    Enjoy your trip!

    4.15.15 Reply
  5. Alexandra:

    I love the MK wedges and shirt found on net-a-porter! Have so much fun!

    Warm Regards,

    4.15.15 Reply
  6. rebecca:

    Love these picks! Have fun in Hilton Head! ❤

    4.15.15 Reply
  7. Melissa:

    My brother and sister in law live in HH, and suggested the following:

    Wise Guys
    Michael Anthony’s
    Tiki Hut (drinks on the beach)
    Salty Dog

    Have a great time!

    4.15.15 Reply
  8. jillian:

    FUN! have a great time! i really want to take a weekend trip to hilton head soon. xo jillian

    4.15.15 Reply
  9. Eden:

    Love #1, #3 and #8 — great selection!


    4.15.15 Reply
  10. Liz Appelbaum:

    Hi Grace,
    We have property on HHI so I’m there frequently! The Heritage is so much fun! Some of my favorite restaurants are Charlie’s L’etoile Verte, British Open Pub (delicious fish & chips)and the Live Oak. The Harbour Town Bakery has fabulous blueberry muffins. I’m sure you know that the Harbour Town Clubhouse is brand new. It’s beautiful! There have been several construction projects in Sea Pines over the past year and a half…all are fabulous. Check out the Ocean Lounge for cocktails at the Sea Pines Beach Club. The view is lovely. Be prepared…everything is crowded during Heritage week. If you can get dinner reservations, that would be wise! Have a terrific time!

    4.15.15 Reply
  11. Elana:

    I love number 4. Have a great trip – that sounds like so much fun!!!

    4.15.15 Reply
  12. Sherry (BTLover2):

    I can guarantee you’ll be the the most fashionable gal around. I live here and know that you’ll love it! Enjoy your trip!

    4.15.15 Reply
  13. Danielle:

    Please go to Old Fort Pub – it is beautiful, delicious and a must! It is located under the most beautiful trees, spanish moss and right next to the water. Hudsons is also great!

    4.15.15 Reply
  14. Anita:

    So many pretty options! I just love shopping for vacation. Who doesn’t?! Haha. I haven’t been to Hilton Head, but it sounds like it’ll be a wonderful escape! Enjoy. 🙂

    Always, Anita

    4.15.15 Reply
  15. Kristina:

    Ooo have so much fun! I’ve never been either. Super loving #9.

    Kristina does the Internets

    4.15.15 Reply
  16. Caitlin Morton:

    Love this. The wedges are perfect for summer! Xo

    4.15.15 Reply
  17. Lisa:

    Go to Red Fish for dinner .

    4.15.15 Reply
  18. Melissa:

    I kinda want everything #oops :p

    4.15.15 Reply
  19. Katelyn davis:

    I have been going down there three times it is beautiful and people treat u nice. I suggest u do the shops and the beach. Also I suggest that while your down there do savannah Georgia

    11.12.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Thanks for the tip! Next time, for sure! xx

      11.13.16 Reply