Cocktail Hour: The Grapefruit Negroni.

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

A few weeks ago I was planning out my February content calendar and looking through my my cocktails archive to see where the holes were. I was shocked to see that I’ve actually never shared a Negroni recipe here with you. The horror! Seriously though, the Negroni is my favorite cocktail. I typically stick to vodka sodas because of the hangover + calorie factors, but if I could drink unlimited cocktails, it would be all about the Negroni. It’s the perfect mix of bitter + sweet and just so delicious. It’s not for everyone (a few of my girlfriends hate ’em) but for me, nothing is better.

I had some fresh grapefruit laying around and had the idea to incorporate grapefruit… thinking that the bitter/sweet grapefruit would complement the Campari nicely, and it did!

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

You’ll Need…

  • One oz. Gin
  • One oz. Campari
  • One oz. Sweet Red Vermouth
  • Grapefruit
  • Big Ice Cube (I love this mold.)
  • Hand Held Juicer (I use mine a shocking amount!)

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

Pour one oz. gin, campari, and vermouth over your ice cube.

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

Cut up your grapefruit and add one eighth of the grapefruit to the juicer. Squeeze over the cocktail.

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

Stir, and serve with a nice big piece of grapefruit rind.

grapefruit negroni cocktail recipe - the stripe

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  1. Grace:

    Love these recipe posts – definitely something a little different and very fun! I’ve honestly never heard of a negroni, so I’ll have to try it out!

    That Twenty Something

    2.11.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Oh my gosh you have to give it a try!!! It’s one of my all time favorite cocktails 🙂

      2.11.16 Reply
  2. Liz Joy:

    I die for a negroni. I lived on them during study abroad in Florence, I think it’s the signature drink of Florence?? Thanks for the inspo with the grapefruit, can’t wait to try!

    2.11.16 Reply
  3. Sarah Lagen:

    I’ve never had a Negroni but I feel like I would really enjoy it because I typically like all of these ingredients! Looks delicious, I’ll have to try making one soon!

    xo, Sarah

    2.11.16 Reply
  4. Irina Bond:

    Your photos are so nice to look at! A little jealous of your marble, by the way.

    xo, Irina Bond |

    2.11.16 Reply