Grace’s 8: November 2017

Time seems to be flying too quickly lately! And so I missed my October Grace’s 8. Oops!!! Anyway, we’re back on track this month with 8 things I am really loving at the moment. They are all SO good! Read on to learn more about why I love each of these things… or click the graphic to shop! Enjoy! xo

ONE // Blackhead Nose Pack. These are basically extreeeeeme Biore strips. I love them. It’s a bit more of a process as there are three steps, but the results are totally worth it as they do a better job getting all of the gunk out. The first strip opens up pores, the second one is a lot likea Biore strip and pulls out the gunk, and the third closes pores back up. I have a pore strip addiction and like these so much better than the Biore ones. You just need to have a little more time to dedicate to the process.

TWO // BaubleBar Everyday Fine. I was so excited to learn that BaubleBar has launched their “everyday fine” jewelry line… a line of pieces that are just perfect for every day wear. The pieces are 18k gold plated sterling silver… so a nice step in between fine and costume jewelry… making for a really good price for really beautiful delicate pieces. My personal favorites are this layered necklace and these hoop earrings.

THREE // The Super Elixir. I will fully admit that I am a total sucker for celebrity products (helllllo MDNA Skincare) but I received a sample of this at a party (it was a 3 day supply) and I liked it so much that I ordered the full size jar. It is expensive but it’s packed with good stuff. I don’t have it every day, but if I know it’s going to be one of those days… you know the ones where you are so busy you forget to eat, let alone eating your veggies, I have this first thing in the morning.

FOUR // Jenni Kayne Fur Mules. I have a furry shoe obsession and I just love those. Yeah, they are kind of crazy, but they look great when worn with more casual pieces. I love mine with a big sweater and boyfriend jeans. The key is to keep everything else reallllly simple as they make quite a statement.

FIVE // Rebecca Atwood x LAKE Pajamas. Proud big sister moment! My sister Becca designed a line of PJs with my absolute favorite pajama brand, LAKE! I first started wearing Lake a year ago. I loved them so much that I bought them for my whole family for Christmas. When my sister decided to collaborate with them, I was in second heaven. Her gorgeous prints, paired with their ultra soft cotton… it’s a perfect match!

SIX // Something Navy x Treasure & Bond Sweater. Oh my goodness this is the best sweater ever. I bought it in emerald green (natch) and am planning to go back for the pink and maybe beige. It’s oversized and comfy (definitely size down!) and absolutely perfect with jeans. I got it on Monday and have already worn it twice… ha!

SEVEN // Lelet Hair Clip. With my new short hair I can do all sorts of cute things. Namely, wear headbands and cute little clips. It felt like too much with long hair. I love these alphabet hair clips… they’re the perfect way to pin back a layer when I pull back my hair… and add a little personality to whatever I am wearing.

EIGHT // J.Crew Velvet Hair Bow. These bows are just the cutest!!! I love them and ordered in all three colors. I am terrible ta tying bows in my own hair so what a great solution.

Disclosure: I received the flats from Jenni Kayne, the pajamas from my sister,  and the Blackhead Nose Pack. Everything else was purchased with my own money.


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I love the LAKE pajama set! White, minimal pieces are my jam. Congrats to your sister, she is sure talented! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    11.2.17 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      yay! I know, she really is. So proud of her!!!

      11.2.17 Reply
  2. Emily:

    Gosh – what incredible picks, I love them all this month! Those pjs look fantastic – I’ve been wanting to try out Lake and this might be the perfect opportunity. Also, glad to hear that you like the Super Elixir – I’ve been wanting to give it a try!

    11.2.17 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      yessss! Now is the best time!!! Everything is so good!

      11.2.17 Reply
  3. natalie:

    oooo need to try those blackhead strips, my nose is always so bad and haven’t found anything I really like!

    Also – yes to fur mules!

    11.2.17 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Try these!!! Also, I read a tip to exfoliate your nose with baking soda first. I haven’t tried it yet but apparently makes a big difference!

      11.2.17 Reply
  4. Cy:

    Great round up Grace! I just sent my sister a link to your sister’s pajamas ( Christmas hint!) and I’m a suckers for hoops! I might have to buy the Bauble Bar pair as a Christmas present to myself. I have a 14k pair( snagged from the Nordie’s sale) and a handmade sterling pair I bought at the Portland art fair, but it’s nice to have different sizes. They go with everything. Also tempted by the sweater. Love your favorite eight lists!

    11.2.17 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Cy!! xx

      11.2.17 Reply
  5. Jenna at Boston Chic Party:

    I’m so wanting those bow hair ties but my hair isn’t very long so not sure how much I will use- they are just too cute! I want to try out that blackhead pack now too!
    xoxo, Jenna

    11.2.17 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I bet you could get it into a cute little pony!!!

      11.2.17 Reply