Gifts For the Little Ones.

Gifts For the Little Ones

Gifts For the Little Ones

Gift giving for kids used to stress me a little bit but as I have gotten more experience in that department with my nieces and nephews, I have realized that if it is a gift that gets me really excited, the kid is probably going to love it too. (I am sure that at some point the kids will get to a stage where that is no longer the case but we aren’t there yet!). So this list is mostly things I wish were socially acceptable to wear/play with. A drawing roll to take over the dining room table? A fuzzy teddy hoodie that I wish came in my size? A unicorn to ride around the house (and also out on the sidewalk!)? Yes please. If it thrills me, the big kid, the kids will usually feel the same.

There are so many fun gifts included here. But also? Over the years I have learned that sometimes the most simple gifts are the most popular. I still think giving my niece a roll of stickers (also, this pack of dot stickers) was her favorite gift ever. She also loves using her go-fish cards with card holders. I think that is her favorite thing from her birthday party. (On that note of simple things, with my sister’s permission I bought my nephews these geodes to break and they absolutely loved them!)

PS. Find more gift ideas here.

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  1. Sal:

    Oh thank you for this! I need ideas for my 4, 8, and 11 year olds. The 4 yo is easy–she loves everything! But the older ones are tough–what’s out there that I haven’t already bought (or decided never to buy)? The shaved ice machine, for sure! Just added that to my list. And I think all of them could get into that marbled paint kit.

    I love magnatiles, but we already have them, and I’m so sick of one of them “accidentally” knocking over someone’s project . This year we’re going to add FIVES to the mix (–apparently they’re pretty new? We saw them at a local Children’s Museum and all three were into it. Plus, once they build something, it can’t be (easily) destroyed by a sibling. Win!

    11.20.23 Reply