Gift Guide 2016: The Careerist.

Gifts fro the Career Woman - The Stripe Blog, 2016 Gift Guide

Okay okay I can’t be the only one who hates the term “girlboss…” can I? IDK, I just prefer boss. No need to throw the “girl” on there… to me, it downplays the significance of being a boss in a cute, semi icky way. I could be alone here but regardless, these gifts are for the girl who is killing it in her career. From things she can use to the office (pretty notebooks like this) to things that will help her pamper herself at home (this fancy robe, these patches from Klorane!) Also, my NIGHT pillow is such a game changer. I have it and besides easing back pain and helping me sleep more soundly, the satin case helps to prevent wrinkles and makes your blowout last longer. It’s a must for everyone, really… boss or not a boss! I wrote about it in greater detail in this post about getting a better night’s sleep… but I cannot recommend it enough.

Last year when I did this gift guide (here), someone mis-read and got upset that I was suggesting buying a fancy nightgown for your boss. A hilarious misunderstanding! These gifts aren’t for you to give to your boss.. their for your friend (or you) who is a boss. Just wanted to clear that up once more, just in case! 😉

PS – Check out the rest of our gift guides! The best hostess giftsgifts for the traveler, the coziest gifts of 2016, the best gifts for the cat lady (meowy Christmas!), gifts for the girly girl, gifts for the social media addict/blogger, the best gifts for guys, the best gifts for under $25, the best gifts for the optimist, and the best gifts under $50.

Top: Lilly Pulitzer Gold Agenda // Aesop Exfoliating Hand Wash // Eve Lom Luxury Set // Good As Gold Birchbox Set  //  Cuyana Zip-Around Travel Wallet // Le Specs Sunglasses // ‘The Boss’ Mug // Chevron Wrap Earrings // Reversible Black & Red Tote // NuFace Facial Toning Device Kit // Leather Strap FitBit Alta // The Master Plan Notebook

Bottom: Bando Power Trip Charger Set // NIGHT Pillow // Leopard Print Notecards // Klorane Relaxing Patches // Miansai Cuff // ‘Coffee Snob’ Mug // Chanel Le Vernis Nail Polish // Cuyana Blush Tote // Smythson ‘Bright Ideas’ Notebook // La Perla Satin and Modal Pink Robe

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  1. Yanira Garza:

    I seem to be the odd man out. I still like the term girlboss but maybe because I mainly see it or use it to describe my makeup artistry friends who are killing it in their careers. I don’t think I’ve ever used it to describe my SIL who owns a multimillion dollar charter service. She’s just the boss so I guess you’re right. It’s a good hashtag though ;).

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Ha, I think I am actually the odd man out here – everyone I know seems to love the term!!! 🙂 To each there own!

      12.7.16 Reply
  2. Brittany:

    hahhaha it makes me laugh that someone got mad about buying a nightgown for your boss. and i don’t like the term girl boss either!

    i love that blush tote!

    xo, brittany

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Haha it was hilarious!!! Thanks Brittany – I hope you have a great day!!

      12.7.16 Reply
  3. alyson:

    Super intrigued by this night pillow — is it that good??

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Oh my gosh yes – it is!!! I sleep with mine every night and love it. I notice a difference when I don’t have it (aka traveling). I’ve thought about buying another one for travel but it’s kinda heavy. I wrote about it more a while back in this post:

      12.7.16 Reply
  4. Marta:

    Those are awesome gift ideas! And I’m with you in that girlboss thing. I think boss is much better. When talking about a man, they call him boss but when it’s a woman it’s a girlboss, I don’t get it, what’s so wrong about calling a woman a boss? Why come up with a whole new term? Is it so that men with a fragile masculinity don’t get offended because they’re being “compared” to women? I don’t get it.

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      I’m so glad you agree, Marta! It does just seem so silly.

      12.7.16 Reply
  5. Cy:

    I can go either way; ” damn right I’m a girl boss!” Or ” yeah, I’m the boss! , I bought the NIGHT pillow after your first post about it. I love it! I actually did take mine to Mexico City and it is kind of heavy, but comforting to have. Fun post

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Aw I am SO glad you got it, Cy!!! It is my absolute favorite!!! Really makes it easier to sleep at night. 🙂

      12.7.16 Reply
  6. Elana L. Gross:

    I also hate the term girlboss! You wouldn’t say manboss or boyboss. An accomplished female is just a boss! #likeaboss

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      Haha YES! imagine someone saying “man boss???” Ha!

      12.7.16 Reply
  7. Breanna Marie:

    I’m loving all of these adorable notebooks, especially the “bright ideas” one. Is it ok if I get these for myself?

    12.7.16 Reply
    • graceatwood:

      I think it’s more than okay… I want one, too! XOXO

      12.9.16 Reply