Gift Guide: For the Hostess

I can’t believe how quickly the holidays or approaching… or that today I am starting my Holiday 2012 gift guide series!  Absolutely crazy.  As the holiday party invitations are already starting to roll in, I thought it would be appropriate to kick things off with some fun little gifts for the hostess!

From top left:   Wine Tote (it can be monogrammed) // Gold Earrings // Wishbone Ornament // Fortune Cookie Box // Teardrop Studs (pretty and festive) // Silver Candle // Gold Bracelet (universally appealing) // Ta Da! Studs (the cutest!) // Chalkboard Wine Charms (only $9.00!) // Notecards // iphone Case // Diptyque Candle Set // Chalkboard Serving Plate (perfect for labeling cheeses!) // Bottle Holder

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  1. Alyssa:

    Hostess gifts are always the toughest..there are only SO many bottles of wine you can buy for someone! There are such fun alternatives…I really really want that gold fortune cookie!

    The Glossy Life

    11.14.12 Reply
  2. Alexa:

    So cute! Love these ideas Grace! So elegant and perfect for a hostess with the mostess! 😉

    11.14.12 Reply
  3. Kate {domestikatedlife}:

    I’d love to be the hostess who gets these gifts!

    11.14.12 Reply
  4. Alex:

    I love Diptyque! The fortune cookie box is so clever and luxe looking… ideas are already running through my head.

    11.15.12 Reply
  5. Maya:

    How did it take me so long to discover your beautfiul blog Grace?!? I’m seriously loving everything about it…I’ll be very happilly following along!

    Also, I’m loving that gold fortune cookie – I have one at home and love popping in little notes and fortunes for my boyfriend 🙂


    11.15.12 Reply
  6. jackie jade:

    Oooh those earrings are great! I’d love to get any of these as a hostess gift!!

    11.15.12 Reply