Fuzzy + Tagged!


These leather leggings were last year’s big splurge.  I wore them all winter long and last week it was finally cool enough to pull them out again.  Usually I like my big purchase to be something I can wear every day (coats, shoes, bags) but I’d always wanted a pair and had gone through countless pairs of cheaper / faux versions.  They have served me well and I know I’ll look forward to pulling them out year after year.

Also, Victoria tagged me in a post here… challenging me to a little Q&A.  Scroll down to the bottom of the post to see my answers!  (This was fun.)

Shop the Post:  Cynthia Rowley Sweater (also in blue) // Helmut Lang Leggings // Burberry Trench Coat // gifted GiGi New York Satchel // Sam Edelman Boots (old but similar) // Vita Fede Cuff




1. Your first childhood celebrity crush?  Donnie Wahlberg.  I was die hard NKOTB fan.  I remember crying because my parents wouldn’t drive me to Boston to go to the concert.

2. Favorite ice cream flavor?  I don’t eat ice cream very much (I’d rather indulge in a block of cheese) but when I do, coconut is my favorite.  There is a place on Cape Cod, in Dennis (my hometown) called The Ice Cream Smuggler.  Their coconut ice cream is the absolute best.

3. The best gift you’ve ever received?  A trip to Greece, given to me by myself when I was in between jobs.

4. If you could learn any new skill, what would it be?  I’d like to learn to cook.  Like, really cook.  I know I could if I put my mind to it and blame my crazy hours at work.. but need to stop making excuses.

5. Your favorite holiday?  It’s a cliche, but I love Christmas.  There is nothing better than being at home with family, in my pajamas, relaxing.  And enjoying some Christmas Eve eggnog!!!

6. The nicest compliment someone’s given you?  I’m not sure, but I recently attended an editor dinner and the host told me that she sat me next to the founder of the brand because she thought that I was really smart.  I felt really honored.

7. You win the lottery. What’s the first thing you spend on?  How much are we talking about?  Either a house on the beach or a really amazing vacation.  And maybe a really amazing piece of jewelry.

8. The high point of this past weekend?  Seeing a movie and indulging in a few glasses of wine with a girlfriend.  It had been a really long week.  I also went for a long walk on the treadmill + caught up on magazines.. it’s the little things!

9. Cat person/Dog person?  Duh… cats!

photography by Lydia Hudgens

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  1. ppfgirl:

    LOVE the fuzzy sweater – it looks so soft & pretty on you! 🙂


    11.6.13 Reply
  2. Rachelle:

    cute sweater, it looks so soft. You look adorable.

    11.6.13 Reply
  3. wildeinthekitchen:

    Love your leather leggings here! I’m saving up for a pair of real leather pants, since I’m pretty sure they will last so much longer than some cheap pleather version.

    <3 Vicki

    11.6.13 Reply
  4. Hitha | Hitha On The Go:

    That sweater is like the clothing version of Aslan – you just want to cuddle up with it!

    11.6.13 Reply
  5. Meghan:


    11.6.13 Reply
  6. victoria | vmac+cheese:

    Yay!! So fun!! You should come up town more…I will teach you to cook! 🙂

    11.6.13 Reply
  7. Jackie {York Avenue}:

    I love your outfit! So classic in black and white, but the texture of the sweater makes it cozy and interesting. I liked reading your answers too, it’s nice to learn a little more about my fav bloggers 🙂

    11.6.13 Reply
  8. Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache:

    I’ve always been nervous about leather leggings. I had pants in college and I was always so hot in them.

    11.6.13 Reply
  9. Kristina Anderson:

    Those leggings are gorgeous!! Great splurge 😉

    Kristina does the Internets

    11.6.13 Reply
  10. abuthray:

    Absolutely love the fur! And those leggings are amazing… can’t beat them!

    xoxo, Ally

    11.6.13 Reply
  11. Daisy // & Pretty Things:

    loving the fuzzy sweater– looks so cozy & soft!

    & Pretty Things

    11.6.13 Reply
  12. Alecia:

    cutest sweater. After you wear it are there fuzzies everywhere?

    11.6.13 Reply
    • Grace Atwood:

      it does shed a lot… but I’m hoping it won’t after the first or second wear!

      11.6.13 Reply
  13. Gaby [The Vault Files]:

    That sweater looks incredibly cozy! And coconut is my favorite ice cream flavour too, and like you, I don’t eat ice cream that much! 😉

    11.6.13 Reply
  14. hellogirl:

    I’m totally a cheese person, too! Also, I love that you treated yourself to Greece! xx

    11.6.13 Reply
  15. emilylunstroth:

    how fun is that sweater?!

    11.6.13 Reply
  16. Rachel:

    I adore this fuzzy sweater!

    11.6.13 Reply
  17. Kristin:

    Love the pants, but that sweater looks so soft and cozy! A perfect winter white color too.


    11.6.13 Reply
  18. Androbel (@AndrobelBoutiq):

    love this. beach house, trips, jewelry!
    New post on my blog! http://www.androbelinsider.blogspot.com 🙂

    11.6.13 Reply
  19. We Think Therefore We Create:

    your answers were too cute, love the sweater!! xox sydney

    11.6.13 Reply
  20. Andi:

    Love the outfit (that purse is sensational) and I love that your fave present was a trip that you bought yourself!!!

    11.6.13 Reply
  21. Shira:

    I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed this sweater. And that bag has been my crush from the day it came out. Ugh, I’m obsessed!


    11.6.13 Reply
  22. Gabrielle | Savvy Home:

    I would totally go for a block of cheese over ice cream too! And I agree – ain’t nothing better than Xmas at your parents in PJs… Coming soon! xo

    11.7.13 Reply