Designer DIY: Neon Tassel Earrings with Holst & Lee




Today I’m thrilled to bring you the first in a two part series with Holst + Lee.  I’ve long admired the brand and could not believe it when they wanted to work together on this.  I spent Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn with Natalie (Holst) who is one half of the designer duo, and have to tell you… she is really, really cool.  (Case in point:  She picked me up in a bright blue truck, wearing a floral dress that was backwards.. but looked way better that way).  We had a few mimosas and spent the afternoon making these earrings and a necklace (sneak peek here… tutorial coming on Friday)!

Psst… For some non-DIY earrings, I am obsessed with these… have been eyeing ’em since their preview a few months ago!



To make the earrings, all you need is:  About a foot of Fringe Trim // Two Eyepins // Two Large Cap Beads // Two Beads //  Two Ear Hooks or Posts // Pliers // Not Pictured:  E6000 Glue // Wire Nippers

(we’ll use the rest of the supplies in part two!)



Begin making the earring by stringing a bead onto an eyepin, followed by a cap bead.  Trim the eyepin (leave about 3/8″ of wire above the beads) and then form a loop.


Connect the eyepin to the post or ear wire, and then we’ll go about forming the tassels.  To make the tassel, you take the fringe trim and tightly roll it… until you get about the width of your endcap.  We just eyeballed it, but if you wanted to, you could measure.



When you get to your desired width, take a needle and thread and stick it through the wrapped trim.  Wrap the thread around a few times, and then stick it back in.  Cut the very top of the trim off, and seal it by lighting it with a match and melting the top.  Apply a drop of E6000 glue, and jam it into the end cap.  Done.  Keep these instructions in mind for Friday…  you’ll need them for the necklace!

Sidebar:  I’ve made a lot of tassels in my life… this is the easiest, quickest, and most effective.  You learn something new every day!


Attach your tassel to the bead/endcap combo and you are ready to go!

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  1. Sarah Mountain:

    Love these Grace!!! what size are the gold end caps????

    5.8.13 Reply
  2. Rachelle:

    that is so cool, I’m in love with their bracelets. The last time I was in NY I had so much fun shopping for Jewelry Supplies for my jewelry store. I cannot wait to go back.


    5.8.13 Reply
  3. Liz Schneider:

    So so so cool, G! You should start doing these collabs for Shopbop or something so we can buy. 🙂

    5.8.13 Reply
  4. Quinn Cooper:

    GREAT DIY! Love those earrings.
    Looks relatively easy.
    xo Quinn

    Quinn Cooper Style

    5.8.13 Reply
  5. Alyssa:

    Gah! I love Holst and Lee and the earrings you made are fabuloussss!

    5.8.13 Reply
  6. Anni:

    Oh my those are very lovely and seems pretty easy to do

    5.8.13 Reply
  7. Lauren:

    love these so much! you should add to your etsy shop 🙂

    ps anna & i just launched our summer 2013 jewelry line if you’d like to check it out:


    5.8.13 Reply
  8. Erin:

    So awesome! And it doesn’t look tooooo crazy hard 😉

    Currently Coveting

    5.8.13 Reply
  9. Chelsea:

    Um, LOVE! This is such a good series. I know I have said it, but it rings true every time. Love the earrings. What an amazing experience for you too, Grace, to get to meet these creative people and get a behind the scenes. xo

    5.8.13 Reply
  10. Tina:

    I’m in love with those tassels – so fun for summer!! The neon is a perfect compliment to a summer tan:)


    5.8.13 Reply
  11. Chelsea:

    I want a pair! These are gorgeous Grace.

    Chelsea & The City

    5.8.13 Reply
  12. klaudia m:

    Lovely earrings you’re wearing but I’m not brave enough to wear them as they are so bright! <3

    5.8.13 Reply
    • Grace Atwood:

      aw! you could make them in a more classic color. I’m dying to make in white or navy!

      5.9.13 Reply
  13. chelsie | chelsie, darling:

    start your own jewelry line! for real, you’ve got serious talent! x

    5.8.13 Reply
  14. Advice from a Twenty Something:

    Love how simple these were to make but how chic they came out! Great idea.


    5.8.13 Reply
  15. Jordan - Queen of LA:

    oh my god. grace! sell me these! i want to wear them NOW! 🙂

    5.8.13 Reply
  16. Erin @ Thanks, I Made It:

    These are so cute! Can’t wait to see the necklace.

    5.8.13 Reply
  17. Stacey @ Likes to Smile:

    Obsessed! Those are amazing! Well done.

    5.8.13 Reply
  18. vjuliet:

    This is awesome Grace! I’ve been a huge fan of them and these earrings are absolutely stunning!

    xoxo Julieta

    8.5.13 Reply
  19. C123:

    Did you use the 4″ or 6″ tassels? These look great!

    12.16.13 Reply
    • Grace Atwood:

      4 inch!

      12.16.13 Reply
      • C123:

        Could you please send me the actual link to the 4″ tassels? I was not able to find the correct shade or pink. Thank you!

        12.16.13 Reply
        • Grace Atwood:

          We made the tassel out of fringe, that the Holst & Lee girls had purchased… I am not positive where they bought it!

          12.16.13 Reply