

Sometimes it feels as though I am fighting a losing battle against puffy eyes.  I’m always, always tired!  I could blame it on my day job, my blog, or my social life, but the real issue at hand is that I stay up far too late reading + playing on the Interwebs.  And occasionally too much wine // fun with girlfriends.  But anyway… puffy eyes.  Yikes.  There are a few things that work…

The first is a tried and true classic.  I keep a few chilled soup spoons in my fridge and place the back on my closed eyes for a few minutes.  Puffiness goes down immediately.  (Cucumber slices + chamomile tea bags also work… but I like spoons the best.)

The second is Yon-ka’s eye cream.  So… the smell of this one is super, super minty — I initially thought it would irritate my sensitive eyes, but it did not.  It cools and instantly depuffs, and the mintiness fades away fast.

I also love this magical little rollerball from L’Occitane.  For bonus points, store it in the fridge.  Eyes immediately look more awake.

I also love to add a bit of Benefit Fake-Up once the depuffing has occurred, and no one can tell how little sleep I’ve had.  I love that this one is rich + creamy and does not crease!  It’s the best undereye concealer I’ve tried to date.

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  1. Jackie {York Avenue}:

    Thanks for the tips! I’m constantly tired too, also from staying up way too late. I need to either try these suggestions or get my butt in bed earlier. Possibly both 🙂

    10.24.13 Reply
  2. Joanna Cavaliere:

    I have found allergies play a big role in my undereye circles. Now, when I wake up in the morning I pop an Alavert and let it kick in for about 30 minutes before doing my makeup. I have found it makes a big difference. Not sure if allergies are your issue as well, but it may be worth a shot!

    10.24.13 Reply
  3. Cathleen:

    When I was in grad school, there were too many late nights my first semester. After that, I made it a rule to be in bed by a certain time. So I forced myself to get work done early during the week and as much as I could over the weekend. I refuse to not get enough sleep, because it makes my day miserable. Why be like that? Then nothing is enjoyable.
    I usually get puffy eyes from allergic reactions. Mine are sensitive. I’ve never tried the cold spoon method. I will have to try that next time. I use an Aveno cream that really helps.

    10.24.13 Reply
  4. Androbel (@AndrobelBoutiq):

    Hi! I have this problem all the time!! I’m always, always tired. right now I cant wait to get in my care, take my eyeglasses off and just drive. My eyes… hurt.
    I’m going to try the l’ occitane one. Thank you!
    Ps. New posts on my blog! 🙂

    10.24.13 Reply
  5. Julie:

    Hi Grace! First off I want to say that I love your blog and your style. I also have a random question though. A few months back you featured an all natural deoderant balm/cream from Etsy in, I believe, one of your weekend reading posts. I have been trying to go natural in the deoderant department and it’s tough to find a good one, so I thought for sure I saved a link to the deoderant you mentioned. Now that it’s time to get a new deoderant, I can’t find it anywhere and I’ve tried searching old posts. Please help! Thank you and I hope you had a wonderful vacation! 🙂

    10.24.13 Reply
    • Grace Atwood:

      Hi Julie! It’s Soapwalla!! You can get it on It is my faaaavorite… the only one I’ve tried that works! Hope that helps 🙂

      10.25.13 Reply
      • Julie:

        Awesome! Thanks so much!

        10.25.13 Reply
  6. Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie:

    LOVE this post. I’m also a puffy sufferer, thanks for the tips! <3

    10.24.13 Reply
  7. Stephanie (Glam Slam!):

    Some great tips and products to try. I haven’t tried the chilled spoon trick yet but I’ve heard about it forever. I too suffer from puffy eyes and under eye circles. I think mine are due to first – lack of sleep (I’m waaay to much of a night owl) and allergies. Maybe some of these tips will help me. 🙂

    10.24.13 Reply
  8. jenn~the stylish housewife:

    I should be in bed right now myself but just had to share that I am also battling puffy eyes/dark circles. But this is the only time I get ALL TO MYSELF to play on the internet. =) Love fakeup too…just wish it had a little more coverage. Going to have to give that rollerball a try!

    XOXO, Jenn
    The Stylish Housewife

    10.25.13 Reply
  9. Liz McAvoy (@lizmcavoy):

    I’m a huge fan of L’Occitane’s products so I’ll definitely have to give the roll-on gel a try! And I’ve been eyeing the Benefit concealer too — totally feel you on the always looking tired thing, guess it’s the curse of the blogger with a day job!

    10.25.13 Reply
  10. darlingsoffortune:

    if you are constantly tired, maybe you should try and wake up in between REM phases. I’ve been struggling with autumn/spring sleepiness and the website (whoever created it: thank you!) helped me a lot. It calculates when to wake up or when to go to bed in order to not wake up in the middle of a phase. I have an app for this now which connects to my alarm and I am super happy with it. I actually notice it when I don’t use it (because I’ve been going to bed too late or needed to wake up at a very specific time). If this helps with puffy eyes, I am not sure 😉

    10.25.13 Reply
  11. brookelyn | best of BKLYN:

    Oh, the puffy eye problem. I feel your pain. The thing that helps me more than almost anything else is to drink a cup of Yogi’s Detox tea (I like the peach flavor better than the berry, have never tried the plain) before bed, preferably, or, if I forget, as soon as I wake up in the morning. It’s decaf and herbal, and makes my undereye area so much less puffy! I’ve noticed it works especially well with wine-related puffiness, too!

    10.25.13 Reply