Current Ear Candy.


I’ve talked about my piercing (addiction?) quite a bit in these parts, but thought today I’d share them with you, as well as a pretty look that my friend Ariel Gordon put together for me. Overall my style is pretty plain and classic. I wear a lot of black, a lot of navy, a lot of stripes… and not very many trends – but on my ears, for whatever reason, I like to think I’m kind of edgy. Lots of tiny studs + hoops, and tiny diamonds.

On my left ear {above}, I have my ear head pierced with a small diamond stud that I got at Venus by Maria Tash {my go-to for piercings} I can’t change it yet as I only got the piercing a month ago. And then, {starting from the bottom} I have a mini huggie with three diamonds, a mini huggie with one diamond, and a mini diamond triad stud.

{I’ve been really into tiny hoops lately and didn’t know the word “huggie” til now but I kind of love it!}


On my right side, I’m dying to add a few more piercings {I want to get my tragus + cartilage pierced but need to wait til my left side heals!} so only have two holes. Right now I have another mini huggie with three diamonds and Ariel’s diamond link ear cuff which I’m a bit obsessed with as it makes it seem like I have my cartilage pierced and I really love the chain.

On that note, Ariel recently launched a slew of beautiful new styles… I highly recommend checking them out – I love her new lockets.


photography by Bekka Palmer

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  1. Belen:

    looovee the one that connects the top with the bottom of the ear!

    3.26.14 Reply
  2. Amanda @ A Hammer & Heels:

    I love ear candy!! I’m the same way, the more studs and chains on my ears the better. Did it hurt to get your most recent piercing? I have had my tragus pierced for over 2 years now, but when I first had it done it hurt SO bad for weeks. I regretted getting it done because I thought it would never heal. Now I love it, but I’m to scared to get anything that intense pierced again!

    3.26.14 Reply
  3. Saša Rakovec:

    Beautiful, I love delicate jewlery like this!

    3.26.14 Reply
  4. Bee:

    So adorable! Love that this is something different and creative – just like you!! Killin’ it Girl!!!

    3.26.14 Reply
  5. katie:

    thanks for this post! i’ve not heard of Venus by Maria Tash before, and now i’ve found the most amazing gold daith ring for my piercing!

    3.26.14 Reply
  6. Emily:

    seriously crushing on your ears hahah, I have always wanted a ton of ear piercings but my ears kinda stick out so I am always nervous!

    3.26.14 Reply
  7. Jamie:

    I love all your earrings! so cute!

    3.26.14 Reply
  8. Jordan - Queen of LA:

    im laughing cuz i have always used the word huggie but never thought about it maybe being an LA thing? oh well. you know it now and your huggies are very cute and edgy! love them

    3.27.14 Reply
  9. Polly:

    I love that chain look, especially as you don’t need your cartilage pierced to wear it!

    3.27.14 Reply
  10. fashionsbit:

    beautiful! Looks so elegant and minimalist!

    3.27.14 Reply