For all the fancier, festive outfits I wear in these parts and out at night, this is definitely my daytime uniform. A big cozy sweater, the best leggings (they’re like the perfect hybrid between pants and leggings) and these super comfy (weather-resistant!) boots. It’s (somewhat?) polished but extreeeemely comfortable and when it is cold out that’s all that really matters.
How was your weekend? Mine was really nice – busy, but the good kind of busy. I usually wind up working quite a bit on the weekend but this weekend I didn’t even look at my computer until 8pm last night when I sat down to finish up this post. That felt really good. Cyber week + gift guide madness was a LOT so it felt really good to slow down a little. (On that note, my last gift guide comes out this afternoon – glamorous gifts!!!) It’s nice feeling my like my life is full of things other than the blog, which sometimes can take over, especially during the holidays. I went to a comedy show on Friday, spent time with Zoe (my sister’s new baby) and my friends’ baby on Saturday went to a birthday party Saturdany night, had brunch with my friend Lydia on Sunday, and celebrated Chanukah last night! (The guy I am dating is Jewish.) We made LATKES which were absolutely delicious. It was really really nice, and felt great to unplug a bit.
Also it is crazy that we are into December. Howwwww?
Outfit Details: French Connection Turtleneck (from last year but this, this, and this are identical and really well priced) // NYDJ Leggings (currently on sale) // Polaroid Sunglasses // Sorel Boots // Chanel Purse
photography by Carter Fish.
It’s nice that you had a break away from the computer this weekend, Grace! I did too – I went to a Christmas market on Saturday and hung out with my boyfriend around town on Sunday! 🙂 It feels good to distance myself from technology from time to time! ❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
That sounds like such a nice little weekend!! Glad you could get a tech break too! xo
Love this sentiment! I’m ready to cosy and slow down completely.
I hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Thanks Michael!!! Hope you had a nice weekend.
I agree, this weekend was the perfect amount of busy and felt SO long! I was walking into work this morning and was like wow, my night of binge watching TV on Friday night felt so long ago and I was truly rested. I shall remember this as the holidays really ramp up!
Have a good week, Grace!
yes!!! Mine ended up feeling really really long as well! You have a great week too Brianna! xo
I know it is insane we are in December! I am really torn because I want to do ALL the festive things but I also really want to savor the last few weeks of the year! I have a very interesting division between FOMO and JOMO!
The Adored Life
Haha you’ve just described my state of mind exactly!!!!!