Charleston Style, Part 2.

grace atwood charleston troubadour dress - zero george hotel
dress // bag // heels


Please excuse me while I stretch these Charleston posts out as long as humanly possible. It lets me savor the memories, and also… Gray’s photos of The Zero George Hotel are just so pretty. Makes me want to book another trip back ASAP.

In last week’s post I mentioned that I borrowed lots of beautiful pieces from a few of my fave Charleston brands. This was so much fun. Having talented pals comes in handy. My friend Lindsey lent me her George dress (I’m in love with the fit & flare silhouette and oversized mod print!) And for jewelry, my friend Deirdre lent me some new pieces from her new “Celebrate” collection!

This trip was so much fun. I had the best time as always. Charleston is one of my favorite cities in the world. There’s one more post coming next week, and if you missed it… check out last week’s post in my favorite dress ever!

Outfit Detailsborrowed Troubadour Dress // borrowed Candy Shop Vintage Jewelry // J.Crew Heels (old but similar here + here) // Saint Laurent Bag

grace atwood charleston zero george candy shop vintage necklaces
candy shop vintage necklaces (top // bottom)


I just love these necklaces so much. My gift guides are kicking off later this week, but I want to buy the champagne bottle pendant for all my girlfriends. It’s just so fun! There are other fun pieces in the collection too like this (amazing) charm bracelet and this little martini shaker.

grace atwood charleston zero george troubadour 3

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Photography by Gray Benko for The Stripe.

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  1. Maggie:

    Troubadour is one of my favorite brands and I love how you rock this dress!! Gorgeous backdrop too – I’ve never been to Charleston but maybe I should go! 🙂

    11.16.15 Reply
  2. B Boebel:

    These photos are absolutely gorgeous, they’re edited so wonderfully!

    P.S. LOVE that dress on you!

    11.16.15 Reply
  3. Annie Reeves:

    You really need this dress – it looks amazing on you!! Come back soon!

    11.16.15 Reply
  4. Natali:

    Incredibly beautiful, chic and feminine outfit! Your mono dress has such an interesting print!

    11.16.15 Reply
  5. Insomnia:

    Wow, such a beautiful dress, and it looks amazing on you! *-*

    Insomnia ///

    11.16.15 Reply
  6. Laura Kathleen:

    Love that champagne bottle pendant, it really is the perfect gift for a girlfriend!

    Laura | Laura Aime Vous

    11.16.15 Reply
  7. Katie:

    What a great dress!


    Some much needed Monday Motivation up on the blog today!

    11.16.15 Reply
  8. Grace:

    Such a gorgeous dress! So feminine and elegant while being a little bit edgy – I’m definitely looking to treat myself to the same one 😛

    11.16.15 Reply