Candy Shop Vintage Event.


As excited as I am to head to Hilton Head for the weekend, the one major bummer is that I am missing my friend Deirdre’s trunk show here in New York! If you are not familiar with Candy Shop Vintage, you should be. She makes my favorite elephant necklace (pictured above… I love that thing like a child) and of course Charleston Rice Beads! It’s this Saturday from 1-6pm (details below)  and if you are in New York, completely worth stopping by.

I’ve talked about Deirdre’s work before, but she founded Candy Shop Vintage in 2009 (after spending ten years working in fashion/design here in New York.) Her pieces are unique and fun, but also practical and easy to wear. She’s most known for Charleston Rice Beads, which pay homage to Charleston’s port city history (the city’s economy was founded upon rice and the rice beads were popular in the 1970’s.) I have this long rice bead necklace and find myself reaching for it constantly. Besides reminding me of one of my favorite cities, it’s also very versatile… it goes with everything and instantly makes me feel a bit more pulled together!

I’m in love with her newest pieces… particularly this necklace and these earrings!




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  1. Alexandra:

    Her pieces are beautiful! I adore the elephant set.

    Warm Regards,

    4.16.15 Reply
  2. Deirdre:

    Thank you for the love! Hope you are having a blast in HH! x

    4.16.15 Reply
  3. Monica:

    These jewelry are gorgeous, mainly the elephant set!:)

    4.16.15 Reply
  4. Kirsty:

    Love the fact your going to the Hilton. Them elephant earrings are amazing.

    5.13.15 Reply