Burn Out.


You guys.  I don’t know what my deal is lately.  I’m just a little worn out.  I’ll have some fun holiday posts for you next week but this has just been one of those exhausting weeks.  I’ve said it before but my day job always will come first and right now things are completely cray cray.  Basically, my goal is to make it out of December alive.  I don’t need to tell you that balancing a blog with a day job is hard work.  Ideally I’d like for it to look easy, but the truth is, it isn’t.  I’m tired.  A lot.  I don’t really sleep, which isn’t good.

And then there is that whole bit about having a life.  Blogging makes me really happy.  I love it more than you could imagine, and take so much pride in the community that goes on over here.  But lately I’ve been feeling the need to LIVE a bit more rather than be home, sitting behind a computer.  Yoga, French classes, drinking too much wine with girlfriends.  That sort of stuff.  Tonight I’m hosting my first book club and am SO excited about it.  (We read this, if you were curious.)  So yeah.  In a little bit of a blogging rut, but life ebbs and flows.

For now, here are some pretty things that are inspiring.  And I’ll be back a little later today with something pretty cool to show you.  And, I’ll have some really big news soon (if you follow me on Instagram then you know the news.)  But yeah.  A little tired.  At least it’s almost the weekend, right?





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  1. Victoria | Oh So Pretty:

    Yes, definitely feel you, Grace! I’m thinking of taking a little break myself. There’s just too much going on during the holidays – real life and the blogosphere. As for me, I’d like to take this time to enjoy some family and me time. Take as long as you need, we’ll be here when you come back 🙂

    12.5.13 Reply
  2. Amberly | A Slice of Glam:

    Totally feel you on this!! I want so badly to post pretty gift guides and so on, but between school and work (retail! eek!) I am so worn out! Cheers to making it thru December! haha! 🙂

    12.5.13 Reply
  3. Becca:

    I feel the same way right now!
    Looking forward to book club though. xx

    12.5.13 Reply
  4. Meghan:

    hang in there girlie! know you’re not alone because I feel 100% the same right now!!

    12.5.13 Reply
  5. Gaby [The Vault Files]:

    I feel ya Grace, I haven’t been sleeping much either, and it seems like the days are too short and I just have so much to do….let’s hope we find a balance and slow down a little bit 😉

    12.5.13 Reply
  6. Dana:

    December is always insane – and only more so when juggling multiple jobs, projects etc.! Enjoy your book club tonight, I loved that book!

    12.5.13 Reply
  7. Ashley:

    I am just starting a blog while having a full time day job, it can be very challenging. You seem to do a wonderful job though!!!

    12.5.13 Reply
  8. Androbel (@AndrobelBoutiq):

    beautiful black and white pics. yea, balancing day jobs with other passions that become jobs too is a little overwhelming… thank god for sundays 🙂

    12.5.13 Reply
  9. Chelsea:

    The holidays are such a draining time. I hope you’re making time for yourself Grace, you definitely deserve a little relaxation!

    Chelsea & The City

    12.5.13 Reply
  10. The Yuppie Files:

    I imagine with your job this is a crazy month! I feel that way at the end of the quarter or school year, as a teacher. Real life always comes first!

    12.5.13 Reply
  11. Kristin:

    Awww I can certainly sympathize…having a full time job, a full time blog, and trying to keep up with the people/moments that make you happy in life is a difficult balance. One that I oftentimes feel I’m failing at! It’s good to take a step back once in a while and just relax with friends and family…or do something for your body/mind/soul. Have fun at your book club…you’re certainly on the right path to feeling less overwhelmed 🙂


    12.5.13 Reply
  12. Liz Schneider:

    100% agree. As much as I love the holidays I feel completely burnt out!

    12.5.13 Reply
  13. Rose:

    Aw lady I know the feeling—and I’m betting you’re 10x busier than I am! I hope you get a good break for the holidays (even though those who manage/work through social never really get a break, do we? ugh). Sending positive vibes your way!

    Blonde in this City

    12.5.13 Reply
  14. bclaire:

    It’s very true! Blogging itself can be a full-time job. Rest assured your readers won’t abandon you if you take a day or two off every now and then!

    12.5.13 Reply
  15. Sarah:

    I totally get it, I always feel the same in December. There’s always so much going on… finishing out the year at work along with holiday prep and Xmas parties, and the cold weather! Hope you enjoy your book club and manage to get some rest!

    12.5.13 Reply
  16. laurenkahan:

    Been SO feeling this way lately. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    12.6.13 Reply
  17. Sylvia Dennis:

    it must be really hard but you should be so proud of yourself your blog is amazing and you have a wonderful job that I would love to do by the way lol Hope you are better soon and can relax over the weekend! Sylvia

    12.6.13 Reply