Bundle Up!

Baby, it’s (getting) cold outside!  This past weekend was a treat… sunny and actually rather warm.  But the sad fact is, it’s now the middle of November and it’s time to layer on the hats, scarves, and gloves.  If you’re going to be cold, you might as well look cute.  Here are a few of my favorite ways to stay warm.

From Top Left:  Polka Dot Snood // Dot & Stripe Hat // Pink Wrap  // Cable Knit Mittens

Shut Up Handwarmers // Fox Scarf // Taxi Mittens // Faux Fur Snood

Silver Gloves // Black & White Knit Hat // Shearling Earmuffs // Shearling Trim Gloves (ridiculous but amazing)

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  1. Rachel:

    That fox scarf is adorable!

    11.15.12 Reply
  2. Alyssa:

    Those taxi mittens are my favorite! My roommate bought them for herself a few weeks ago and I steal them (with her consent, of course) as often as possible. I’m thinking I should just buy them for myself at this point!

    The Glossy Life

    11.15.12 Reply
  3. christin:

    i need the shut up gloves and maybe the fox sweater. i’d obviously tell people it’s a wolf.

    11.15.12 Reply
  4. Catfish & Caviar:

    That fur snood! Love!

    11.15.12 Reply
  5. viv:

    Cute picks! It’s definitely cold out there.

    11.15.12 Reply
  6. Jenna:

    I am all about cute and funky winter pcs. These are all so fun. Loving the taxi mittens!

    Thank you for the comment!

    11.15.12 Reply
  7. Jessica:
    11.15.12 Reply
  8. Elizabeth // The Now:

    STOP stop!! That “fox” scarf is the cutest thing in my life!!!! I need it!! I’m also dying for a fur snood!


    11.15.12 Reply
  9. Amy:

    I think I need that polka dot snood. J.Crew always has the best winter accessories!

    11.15.12 Reply
  10. Bettina:

    I think the shut up gloves are great. That way every time I fee like I’m about to say shut up when someone is telling me something unreal I can pop my hands up instead hehe

    11.15.12 Reply
  11. Kate {domestikatedlife}:

    I’m cracking up over the fox scarf!

    11.15.12 Reply
  12. Punctuation Mark:

    I love those taxi mittens… So cute!!!

    11.15.12 Reply
  13. Ashley:

    The taxi mittens are the cutest!

    xo Ashley

    11.15.12 Reply
  14. meital:

    I may or may have not purchased the “Shut Up!” mittens… Obsessed.

    11.17.12 Reply