Aly Harte Print Shop + Discount!


Aly Harte is one of my closest friends, though it might sound unlikely as she’s based in Northern Ireland and I’m here in New York. We met through my old boyfriend, and while breakups often put strain on a friendship, my friendship with Aly has only grown stronger over the past year or so. We talk (text) nearly every day and I’ve gone over to visit her a few times (in January and July… you might remember these photos from the July trip!) and she is coming over here in a few weeks. I can. not. wait. I admire Aly so much as she’s an incredible parent to her two boys, incredibly fit + health conscious (check out her wellness account on Instagram) and killing it with her business. I don’t know how she does it all!

Last week, she unveiled her new print shop which has been a long time coming. I am lucky to own several Aly pieces, but now you can, too! I’m partial to the framed drinks postcards (pick your libation: red wine, Prosecco, coffee, or Guinness!) but also love her incredible landscapes.

Anyway, today we have a little treat for you… 20% off everything in her shop through Thursday! Friday is the last day to ship to the US in time for Christmas, so get your orders in NOW! Use code “GRACEALYGIFT” at checkout. The framed postcards are just 20 pounds (approx. $31.00) and make for a perfect gift.

And Aly, I could not be more proud or impressed with everything you’ve done!


{I have this one hanging on my gallery wall!}

NYC Boutique hotel-2-2

I also really love this one… a graphite commission she did for the Library Hotel!

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  1. Rebecca:


    12.9.14 Reply
  2. peppermintdolly:

    Love these prints – she’s a talented lass!


    12.9.14 Reply
  3. Sarah Lagen:

    These are awesome prints!! I love the coffee cup one!! Thanks for sharing!

    12.9.14 Reply
  4. Carrie:

    These are so cute! Thanks for sharing. Love the coffee cup one.

    12.9.14 Reply
  5. The Preppy Vegan:

    I need that champagne print stat.

    12.10.14 Reply
  6. Kate B.:

    Thanks for sharing! I just put that coffee one on my Christmas list!

    12.10.14 Reply
  7. Haley:

    Love her work! Would love too add one of her pieces to my gallery wall!

    12.10.14 Reply