
I’ve been on a bit of a self-improvement kick around here. It started with Big Magic and then interviewing Elizabeth Gilbert. When we interviewed Elizabeth, we talked about her podcast, Magic Lessons. She was talking about the episode with Glennon, so I went back and listened to that and found myself so taken with Glennon (who I did not realize got her start as a blogger) especially with regard to the insights she shared around building her community. And so I found myself downloading Untamed. If you are a people pleaser, you must read this book. One of the biggest takeaways I had from it was the fact that when we focus on pleasing others we stop thinking for ourselves. It’s one of my favorite books I’ve read in ages in terms of self-help/personal growth. If this says anything, I have been relistening and ordered a hard copy so that I can re read it in sections. Order it on Bookshop or Amazon.