
I read (listened) to this one on such a whim (it’s a little older, from 2015) because I had been watching Hitchcock films (The Birds and Marnie) and just loved Tippi Hedren’s style. Upon googling her, I learned she had a lot of drama with Hitchcock (and had blamed him for ruining her career). I also learned that she was Melanie Griffith’s mother. So I got curious, and downloaded the book. I loved (if that is the right word, it sounds like what she went through was horrible) learning more about her experience working with Alfred Hitchcock but the book is so much more than that. Her three marriages, but especially: living with LIONS. Yes, you heard that right. Her and her second husband lived with lions and established an entire lion preserve. That was the most fascinating part of the book. I felt like my very glamorous and exciting grandmother was telling me a story and just love love loved every minute of it. I highly recommend this book. Even if it feels a little bit random, I promise that you will enjoy it! Order on Amazon.com or Bookshop.org

Author: Tippi Hedren