This was my non-fiction pick of the month! I would describe it as writer Marisa Meltzer’s memoirs on her relationship with her body + diet culture interspliced with a biography of Jean Nidetch (the founder of Weight Watchers). I knew it would be interesting, but was a little bit worried that the book would glorify diet culture (something I am not so big on) but was pleasantly surprised. The book is a really interesting look at Jean Nidetch’s life (she was such a colorful character and impressive woman; though Meltzer doesn’t glorify her but rather looks very honestly at her life and some of the mistakes she’s made. It’s also a very honest, raw account of someone who seems like someone I’d want to be friends with – a cool, funny, feminist woman and her history with her body (she was first put on a diet at age five). What I love most about it is that it doesn’t have all the answers and it isn’t preachy. It’s a realistic look at what it’s like to be a woman who wants to lose weight in an age where society is simultaneously obsessed with both beauty/thinness AND being body positive. Becca and I have talked on the podcast about how anti-feminist it can feel to admit you have body hangups OR aren’t feeling great about how you look OR that you want to lose weight. I really like how Marisa Meltzer is so honest; admitting her struggle with this. If you’ve ever felt this way, this is the book for you!