Our Stop

Becca convinced me to read this one, and I’m so glad she did! British chick lit is not my usual genre, but this was such a fun read, sort of akin to One Day in December (but a lot more lighthearted- One Day in December got pretty dark at times!) Reading this is like a warm hug. Nadia takes the 7:30am train every.single. morning. Daniel does not, but when he sees her on the train, he knows that she is “the one.” He places a missed connections ad in the newspaper, which Nadia’s friends send to Nadia. The two begin corresponding through the missed connections section, whilst encountering each other IRL in between… but they keep missing each other (and also getting scared off by misinterpreting certain things). The “will they ever find each other” drama really heightens, with a very satisfying ending. This is a really fun, feel-good read that you can do in a single Sunday. I loved it!