If you listened to the podcast, you know that Becca and I both raved and raved about this book. It was just, so lovely. It tackles so many important issues (AIDS, sexuality, Puerto Rican culture and history), but is packaged as a lighthearted, fun book about a wedding planner, her many suitors, and her closeted politician brother. And it IS (at times!) light and fun, while also being serious. Both/and. I really loved it. This is a very complicated family story. Brother and sister Olga and Prieto (both doing great things in New York: Prieto is a congressman and Olga is a top wedding planner) were abandoned by their mother, a radical anarchist. They struggle to balance their social ambitions with the sadness over their absent mother, all in the wake of Hurricane Maria. I really loved it, and it’s great as an audiobook… featuring very strong performances from three Puerto Rican actresses (this is another one that feels more like a performance than being read to). Order on Bookshop.org or Amazon!
Author: Xochitl Gonzalez