I really enjoyed this! Simons Smythe is a twenty something from a long line of born and bred Charlstonians. The middle daughter of two sisters, it seems everything is going to plan. She’s engaged to be married to her college sweetheart Trip, her younger sister is about to debut in society, and her older sister is about to give birth. Simons has a great job working at the local news station. Still, she’s not content. She’s fallen out of love with Trip and unsure what she wants. Sometimes I won’t enjoy books like this with a younger twenty-something protagonist making bad decisions (she makes some terrible decisions with men), but you root for her. And I loved her grandmother Laudie’s character: a seemingly conservative and polite upstanding woman… with secrets of her own! My other favorite part of the book was the depiction of Charleston and its elite old families. Order on Bookshop.org or Amazon.