This was not my first time reading this book, but I’d never reviewed it here! We did an entire podcast episode about this book (and then had Elizabeth Gilbert on to talk more). This book. I don’t even know where to begin but I will say that everyone should read it, even if you don’t necessarily identify as a “creative person.” The content is just so valuable, it’s a fairly quick read, and every time I read it I take something different away from it. The things for me that really resonated were the parts about fear, and letting fear hold you back. And approaching your creativity (or your whole life for that matter) from a perspective of curiosity as opposed to fear, or even passion. This book is truly life changing. I love that Becca re-reads it every January and may start doing the same exact thing. If you are feeling in a rut, uninspired, a little bit stuck, not sure what you want to do next, OR you’re about to start a new project, read this book!!!!