This book was a weird little journey but I loved every minute. The writing is exquisite, it is difficult to read at times, but it’s the sort of novel that really makes you think about life and middle-age and what you want and what happens when you wake up and realize your life is halfway over. There are not enough books about being a woman at this age. You don’t have to like the narrator or even agree with her choices (she really blows up her life in all of the most spectacular ways); but you do feel for her… deeply! This book is weird, tender, funny, sad… all the things. It begins with our narrator (a semi-famous artist/writer type) planning to drive across the country from Los Angeles to New York. 30 minutes after she leaves, she checks into a nondescript motel, and doesn’t leave for three weeks. The time she spends in that motel room will change the course of the rest of her life. There are times where it is a little bit absurd (I loved it though?). There are some weird sex scenes (just skim if it’s not for you). But honestly, truly, I agree with everyone when they say it’s “the book of summer.” I couldn’t put it down, I loved it so much. A must-read. PS – there is a (heavy!) content warning for traumatic birth.