The End of Her

After DNFing several books I was kinda just like, “I just want a murdery thriller that I won’t be able to put down.” A reader had recommended this and I loved The Couple Next Door (this was by the same author), so I picked it up. It did not disappoint. It’s not the best book I’ve ever read, but it was engaging and fun to read. Stephanie and Patrick have just had twin girls and are adjusting to the new realities of parenthood when Erica Voss arrives in their life. She and Patrick have a history and she has some pretty shocking allegations about Patrick and his first marriage (his wife had died in a tragic accident, years ago). Patrick maintains he’s innocent, but Stephanie isn’t sure what to believe. Meanwhile, Erica is pretty hell-bent on dismantling pretty much everything in Patrick’s life. Who is lying? Who is the sociopath? The answer may be EVERYONE. I read this in a day, it cleansed my palette after a vicious news cycle, but the ending felt a little bit lazy. Still, I enjoyed it?